How to make money with the doping module
This is exactly what the doping module does: first of all, you need to have a marketplace and an e-commerce system. Think about what services you want to offer existing users or existing store owners on your site through those systems or platforms.
For example, the store owner may want to display their ad on the homepage or they may want to speed up the sale by displaying their ad at the top.
You can choose all of these options as an option. What ? Openclassify has already implemented the doping module. Openclassify offers its doping module to its users with many features. It continues to provide this service to all users using its infrastructure with 7 different doping characteristics defined on the system.
With Openclassify, you can easily generate income by providing doping services to site users through your Marketplace site, and you can provide doping service to users of your system to help them sell their products.